Parents, Guardians or visitors are not allowed to visit classrooms during class hours.
Progress Report and School Diary have to be regularly scrutinized and signed by the Parents/Guardians. Punctuality, neatness, discipline and good study habits must be inculcated in the pupils.
Irregularity in attendance may cause problems at the time of promotion of the student. Regular attendance and punctuality must be insisted upon the children by the parents and guardians. Children should be present in the school on Reopening Day after each vacation. For any unavoidable reason if a student is forced to come late, it should be informed to the respective class teacher.
All fees can be paid by cash, draft or online primary before 10th of every current month, failing to which fees from the defaulters will be accepted only on payment of 100/- as late fine.
Fees for the month of June and October must be paid in the months of May and September respectively.
The name of Pupils who have not paid their fees for three consecutive months will be struck off the rolls.
Children will not be allowed to sit for the Examinations unless their fees have been paid as mentioned above.
Every student is obliged to take part in all the co-curricular activities of the school as part of their civic training. No students will be allowed to absent from physical exercise classes without a Doctor's Certificate.
There will be floor-exercise classes once in a week and all students have to take part in it.
We intend to exchange our ideas with the Parents, Guardians after a regular interval of time by organizing Parents Day. The Parents/Guardians are requested to be present in the school on that day and discuss various problems of students with the teacher.
Students are to address the Principal, Teachers and the numbers of the staff with due respect and politeness on their way to and the time of leaving the School in an upright manner.
Application for Transfer Certificate should be submitted one month in advance and will be issued only when fees have been paid in full and the School Accounts have been duly settled.
It is mandatory for all students to sit in all the examinations and class tests
during an academic year. Students will be exempted only for genuine reasons such as serious illness for which application for leave should be accompanied by Medical Certificate. Pupils failing for two years in succession will be considered as withdrawn from the School.
Promotions once decided are final and can't be reconsidered.
Usually the weekly tests will be conducted on every Monday and or the
next day as per the exigencies.
Parents/Guardians are requested to make proper arrangements to Collect
the students immediately after the School Hours.
The Students must reach the school before the Prayer time.
All pupils should be dressed neatly in School Uniform.
To prevent loss the students should mark their books, articles, umbrellas,
tiffin, carries, rain coats etc. with their names.
The School management will have the sole discretion to change any rule
for better smooth running of the school.
No Child is permitted to appear for any test / examination if he / she is
suffering from any infectious contagious disease.
Students must not take study leave unless granted by the School's
Regularity and obedience will be exacted in class.
Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person will be inculcated and exacted.
No child suffering from a contagious infectious disease will be permitted to attend school.
Parents and Guardians are requested to make proper arrangements to collect the students immediately after the school hours. Though proper care will be taken to ensure the safety of the children the school can not be held responsible if the students leave the school campus on her own accord.
Parents and Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours. You are allowed to meet the teachers on Friday after school hours (11.30 a.m. for Primary and 4.40 p.m. for Secondary).